
I have caved

I have never really seen myself having a blog. It takes up time that I could use elsewhere, and just because I am married now, that doesn't mean I automatically need to start a blog. You might say I've been adamantly opposed. So I didn't start one when we got married; I lasted 6 whole months. I blame Erika mostly, because she convinced me it takes no time at all to blog, so I decided "why not." But, I'll tell you why not. I am supposed to be at church in an hour, haven't even read the lesson I am teaching, or showered, ironed an outfit, or even eaten breakfast or lunch. The house is a mess, I haven't unpacked from our weekend at the cabin, or even put in my contacts yet today. There is no food in the house, so I should at least be running around the corner to buy bananas. But am I working on any of those tasks? No. Because I have been sucked in to my own damn blog. And of course, looking at others' also. Geez.....


  1. Hooray for caving.

    I am quite pleased to have this negative influence over you. I will have to ponder additional ways to waste your time for my own personal enjoyment.
